That’s a Wrap on the 4th Annual Paint-A-Thon Care Day, benefiting House of Refuge
We’ve closed all the paint cans and washed out the brushes from the 4th annual Paint-A-Thon care day event, benefiting House of Refuge in Mesa, AZ. After a few words from Cindy Quenneville, Executive Director of HomeAid Phoenix, and Kayla Kolar, Executive Director at House of Refuge, the large group of volunteers, topping 200 this year, dispersed throughout the House of Refuge campus to paint the exteriors of 21 transitional housing units, some teams also painting interiors and some doing light landscape clean-up as well.
In the four years HomeAid Phoenix has been orchestrating the Paint-A-Thon event, volunteers have given all the units at House of Refuge a fresh coat of paint, giving the residents and the House of Refuge community a fresh look and a sense of pride as they continue their journey to never facing homelessness again.
Since 1996, House of Refuge has been providing safe, stable housing to families who are experiencing homelessness. Their Mesa, AZ campus offers 88 transitional housing units and wrap-around support programs to families experiencing homelessness. Their staff works with families on regaining dignity, healing from trauma, finding employment, and ultimately obtaining permanent housing.
34 building industry companies supported this year’s event through sponsorships, materials and labor. Without their support and generosity, care day events like these would not be possible.